Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

03 September 2007

watch this meeting hall sweat and shake

As every year, dear readers, I offer you this Labor Day po-eme from a Garfield strip a hundred years ago:

Labor Day, Shmabor Day
What a dumb day
To hire some jerk
Then send him away
To celebrate work
By playing all day


Blogger Reid said...

I never feel like it's *really* Labor Day until this post. Now the traditional Labor Day celebrations can begin! Which me at the moment.

3 September 2007 at 13:02:00 GMT-4

Blogger Clark Meyer said...

Ha! We're definitely related. Found myself reciting this to the boys in the car on the way to school yesterday.

5 September 2007 at 11:17:00 GMT-4


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