Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

30 March 2007

genius to fall asleep to your tape last night

My cat ate my iPod headphones. I don't know why, go and ask him. They were the newer, sleeker style of whites; they looked better (though perhaps they lacked a certain Modernist charm) but they didn't fit as comfortably as the older ones. And anyway I have a pair of Sony earbuds that sound better. Still, fucking cat.

In other news, I'm back on, and you can see my chart right over there to the right once again (although it won't be current until Sunday or Monday I believe). I had abandoned it because I had abandoned iTunes as my on-board music player, as the upgrade to version 7 had every song I own prancing and skipping around like a schoolgirl. But version has fixed all that, and now it's me doing the prancing and skipping around my little house. My charts will end up a little skewed by what I play on my iPod at work (I'm using iSproggler to count my iPod plays, which works okay except sometimes it reopens iTunes as soon as I've closed it), meaning there might be a little more Pogues, Wilco, and Dexy's Midnight Runners than there might otherwise be, but nothing to be ashamed of.

In other news, someone at work had the Neon Bible CD, and I picked it up and flipped through the booklet and felt momentarily wistful for the days of CD's and cover art and booklets and such. I even romanticized the thought of putting a disc in the tray and closing it almost as much as the thought of putting a needle on a record. But, as I said, it was momentary, because after I put the booklet back in the case I held the whole thing in my hand and thought, "Where would I put this?" I'm thankful for the advent of mp3's not least because it keeps me from lugging hundreds of CD's with me every time I move.

In other news, has anybody here heard Office? They're from Chicago. Here's a song:

Office - The Big Bang Jump!


Blogger Reid said...

iSproggler? That's the way to go? Because the software that has is kind of a pain in the ass.

Office had one of the free songs of the week on the ITMS last year. I liked it...

Oh, and I want to ask your cat why. What's his email address?

30 March 2007 at 17:23:00 GMT-4

Blogger xtianDC said...

It's funny to me that something I do multiple times a day now is apparently dated enough to be a candidate for momentary nostalgia for others! Meanwhile, I haven't even touched my iPod once in the year 2007. Poor neglected iPod... (this would certainly change if public transportation had any role in my life.)

2 April 2007 at 11:03:00 GMT-4


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