Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

12 February 2007

don't know if i feel joy or pain

The presidential race in this country has gotten too long and too expensive by far, but I sure am addicted to the show.

For the record, I'm a fan of Hillary Clinton. Always have been. As a matter of fact, I got into a fight with my Republican girlfriend in 1992 when I said that I thought Hillary was pretty. Not that the measure of her as a politician is her physical attractiveness, but I liked her from the get go and wasn't afraid to say so.

That said, I'm not yet for or against her getting the Democratic nomination. She may well be the best choice to win the election and/or lead the nation, but so far her campaign leaves much to be desired. Of course, the campaign is still in its infancy, an she hasn't had time to do much beyond coming up with a slogan. But if the slogan is for now the bulk of her campaign, she sure could have done better than this stinker:
Let The Conversation Begin!
Really? Really?! I mean, I understand and even agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment, but come on, that's her big slogan? That's supposed to inspire the majority of Americans to anoint her as our supreme leader? "Let The Conversation Begin!"?? Oh God, the inanity! Certainly there are less inspiring and less dramatic phrases she could have chosen, but it's actually kind of difficult to come up with any good examples.

Let's see, how about "America's Choice"? Or "The Time Is Now"? Or "Sprintin' With Clinton"? On second thought, maybe that last one has a little too much verve.

Really, "Hillary Clinton For President" would be, if uninspired, a much stronger and more dignified thing to say than "Let The Conversation Begin!"

It's as if she's looking at Gore 2000 and Kerry 2004 for hints on how to run a presidential campaign. Is the woman trying to lose?


Blogger Reid said...

Jon Stewart's comments on this are well worth watching.

13 February 2007 at 07:11:00 GMT-5

Blogger Fearless Leader said...

I'm heading into a meeting, so I've not enough time to delve into this ... but I believe that Hillary Clinton will prove far more effective as a stalwart, senior Senator, than as a Presidential hopeful.

Beyond that, it is time to break the current chain of succession. I think we've suffered from a series of Presidents that derived from a previous inhabitant. Bush, Sr ascended from Reagan's VP. Clinton brought in much needed change, but Bush, Jr followed right after, complete with Gerald Ford's former Cabinet thug as a VP. If Hillary takes the White House, then we're still drawing from a known well.

Okay. Must go. Will continue this ... CONVERSATION! ... later.

13 February 2007 at 09:02:00 GMT-5

Blogger doug said...

Ditto on the "grabbingsand" comment. Also, what happens when the conversation is over? Or when the conversation begins? What then? Does the slogan change? "This conversation is OVER bitches".

Anyway, if Hillary Clinton got elected, that would be over 20 years of either a Clinton or a Bush in the White House! Not a great reason to not elect someone, but it seems like now is the time for something completely different. I've always liked Hillary too, and I never really understood the strong emotions either against her or even for her. Anyway, to me she just seems like same ol' same ol', and yeah, she's a really great senator. Right now, I'm a pretty big fan of Obama, but I'm pretty open-minded - even to a decent republican...if there is one left.

13 February 2007 at 09:39:00 GMT-5

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hillary Clinton 08: Don't You Wish Your President Was Hot Like Me

13 February 2007 at 10:43:00 GMT-5

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The thing that irks or worries me about Hillary running is that people may draw some sort of conclusion regarding whether the country is ready for a woman to lead us or not based on her campaign. To me, she is too much of a polarizing figure to attach those claims to. If Hillary doesn't go as far as she wants, it won't be because she is a woman; it will be because she is a Clinton.

13 February 2007 at 12:25:00 GMT-5

Blogger Hans said...

Or it may have less to do with her being a Clinton and more to do with her running a crap campaign. The Jon Stewart clips Reid linked to above eloquently point out that she's not reaching people.

13 February 2007 at 12:29:00 GMT-5


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