friday night's alright for lighting
So this lady Maureen Ryan, who watches a lot more TV than I do (they pay her for that), says here that Friday Night Lights is the best show on network television. Okay, I'll grant that a show can be better than Lost. Then she goes on to say it's as good as The Wire. That's a hell of a thing to say. Can any of yous offer independent confirmation?
As someone who has never seen a single episode of either, I can honestly say that she's absolutely right. Or totally wrong. One of those. I'm not sure which.
Hope that helps.
15 February 2007 at 16:27:00 GMT-5
Hmmm, better than the Wire? I dunno. But I'm gonna go on and say it's the best network show on teevee. I say that to myself everytime I watch it. I'm really glad to hear that others are watching it though, because I was starting to think I was the only one. I give it the edge over Lost for consistency and music choices. Also, Kyle Chandler is dead-on great as the coach. I'll take Veronica Mars as a close 3rd.
15 February 2007 at 16:29:00 GMT-5
fuck, I watch a lot of tv. oh well.
15 February 2007 at 16:29:00 GMT-5
I can't really answer the question b/c I haven't seen The Wire (and yes, that bothers me), but I have seen episodes of FNL. It's a good show. The thing seems almost *exactly* like the movie, which is a good thing. Lately, my favorite show has been 30 Rock...but last night's episode was so boring it couldn't hold my attention.
16 February 2007 at 10:46:00 GMT-5
That's funny, I know Maureen, she's an old pal from Chicago. I don't watch TV, but I just dropped a deuce and thought of checking your blog. Coincidence?
22 February 2007 at 12:16:00 GMT-5
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