Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

27 March 2007

i can't help thinking and i won't stop now

I'm not saying the same thing will happen for you, but I listened to the whole of Coldplay's X & Y this weekend and found that it has aged quite well. I used to think the first half of the record was superior and the rest was unnecessary, but now I find that it all comes together nicely as a whole.

And Spring is here, so I have a little extra for you from the album's Special Dutch Edition. It's music to open your windows to.

Coldplay - Gravity


Blogger Reid said...

You know...I think that may be the only thing that I've ever heard of that album. It's a nice one alright. It didn't, however, automatically open my windows like you promised.

27 March 2007 at 16:53:00 GMT-4

Blogger Hans said...

"Music to open your windows to", not "music that opens your windows". Geez.

27 March 2007 at 19:01:00 GMT-4

Blogger Reid said...

No, I read it right. I just assumed that by "music to open your windows to", I thought you meant, "music that you, Hans, would open my (Reid's) windows to."

Anyway, in the future, more specific instructions would be appreciated.

27 March 2007 at 20:18:00 GMT-4


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