Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

01 January 2006

there's a party there that we ought to go to

So, I've mentioned my friend John before. He's the type of co-worker who makes grubbing for money all day at some sodding job just a little more bearable. Usually he's pretty quiet, and often quite grumpy, but when he does say something it's best to listen because chances are it's going to be goddamn funny. This is a new chapter in the same story begun two posts ago.

Tonight the whole previously mentioned professional sports organization comes in. That's right, the whole team. They're throwing themselves a private party, a big New Years Eve bash, and John comes to find out that he's working the party. Of course he's excited about this, not because he's a huge sports fan, which he isn't, but because he knows he will once again be waiting on the person who, last time in the restaurant, said "I ate out a hooker," much to John's (and my and my co-workers' and possibly your) delight.

In getting ready for the evening ahead, just so he'd know what to expect, John queried Jeff, the banquet captain and John's boss for the night.

JOHN: Do you think they'll bring any hookers with them?
JEFF: No, tonight's probably for the wives.
JOHN: Oh, that's too bad; they probably don't eat out their wives.

Now, is this as funny to you as it is to me, or is it one of those "You just had to be there" or "You just have to know this guy" moments? Because it seems like it'd be pretty funny anyway, but you never can tell.

Please note: It's January 1st, 2006, making this my first post of the New Year. I feel like my first post in a new year should be somehow more reverent, more intro/retro/futurospective (yes, I just made that word up, and I rather like it), so I offer the pathetic caveat that I haven't yet been to sleep in 2006, that is to say when I woke up this morning it was 2005, so I'm still closing out my day which was December 31st, 2005. Sure, you say, but the last post of a year also should be somehow more reverent, more intro/retro/futurospective (you know that's not a word, right? I'm letting you get away with it; remember to thank me later). To which I say: shut up. It's a good story, and I swear, once again, that it's all true.


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