Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

13 August 2005

if that's the way it is, then that's the way it is

It's pretty unusual for me to hear something before the four readers of this blog, but it looks like I've got the jump on this Bravery thing. I haven't taken to a record like this since Arcade Fire's "Funeral", and I have to say this one grabs me a bit more. I think it's best described like this: Franz Ferdinand showed up for a gig with (old skool) Duran Duran but the van that was carrying FF's instruments plunged into a ravine so they had to borrow Duran Duran's. It's fun and it's dancey and a lot of it is silly ("Stop drop and roll/'Cause you're on fire," I mean, come on), but every now and then The Bravery make serious music ("Sometimes/I forget I'm still awake/I fuck up and say these things out loud"). Further description might mention New Order and Strokes, but I think I've said enough.

Then there's Bloc Party. Who tipped me off on this? I have a random mp3 that I downloaded somewhere. Was it you? Or you? Anyway, I pulled the whole record down off the World Wide Wave, it's kind of got hold of me in a wierd way. Does this stuff qualify as 'math rock'? It's just this side of too proggy for me, but I love the dark energy.

A quick note on Six Feet Under: I must heartily disagree with the "Yawn" review of last week's episode. The one before didn't really upset me, but this one certainly did. I sobbed all the way through. The power of literature (for want of a better word) is so amazing - I feel like I knew the guy, like he was family, and the funeral was just plain hard to sit through.

Next week I'm driving halfway across the continent in three days with Alex as he moves back to Port-Land from Madison. Wish I had a bigger memory card for my camera.


Blogger Reid said...

It probably wasn't me who tipped you off to Bloc Party. I like them, but I don't love them. I don't hear much prog in there, but there is tons of energy. But if I was to pick one of the new-old-punk English bands, it'd be Maximo Park. That album is so great.

Did you ever hear the Killers, Hans? They were in some stupid feud with the Bravery, which is kind of funny, because neither one of them are exactly breaking new ground. But even though I never listen to the full Killers album, "Mr Brightside" and "All These Things I've Done" are classics.

14 August 2005 at 12:05:00 GMT-4

Blogger d-lee said...

what in holy hell are you talking about? alex can't move to port-land! they freakin exiled him.

14 August 2005 at 19:20:00 GMT-4

Blogger d-lee said...

I claim innocence about the Bloc Party. I think it was x-box who must have referred you to them. Figures. You krauts gotta stick together.

Here's the thing though. I don't hear the FF/DD thing with the Bravery. I just now heard them for the first time (I listened to two songs on their website), but what I am hearing is ...

The Strokes and Flock of Seagulls are having a rock and roll party. They end up doing a lot of drugs, and hookers. One thing leads to another, and they end up doing an "Underwear exchange". A little bit of hilarity ensues when they realize that they're supposed to take the stage in like four minutes. Nobody knows who's who, so they just sort of guess which band they're in based on the name stitched on the inside of their underwear (remember --- everyone is wearing someone else's underwear). The Bravery is the end result.

That's my two cents after hearing only two of their songs. I could be wrong. I was just speculatin' about a hypothesis. I don't know nothin'.

14 August 2005 at 23:31:00 GMT-4

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you heard a band called OK Go yet? You should. Yet another entry in the same contest as The Bravery, The Strokes, et al ... only these guys listened to The Zombies far longer than they listened to Iggy Pop.

I'll probably be posting something about them in the next couple of days.

16 August 2005 at 11:58:00 GMT-4

Anonymous Anonymous said...

My pick for the new-old-punk English: the Futureheads. Them kids is TIGHT. I dig the Maximo Park too. They really remind of the Undertones, in that just a bunch of raved up punk songs but wait a second, damn that guy actually has a really fine voice sorta way. As for Bloc Party, I enjoyed that record but feel as though I've pretty much run out of uses for it. So what I'm saying is FUTUREHEADS!

18 August 2005 at 14:03:00 GMT-4


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