Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

20 October 2005

but that's not the real reason i'm looking

This year I said I didn't care what the Braves did in postseason, I was just thrilled to death that they clinched a 14th division title. And it was great that they got that pennant, and I really shouldn't be asking for more (I mean it could be a lot worse; I could be a Tigers fan). But man it just killed me when they choked again. Choketober is what the tenth month should be called in Atlanta. And, to be honest, it's all the city of Atlanta deserves: they can't even sell out playoff games. Maybe if the fans were really there for the team, the team might feel that extra push they need to take it all the way (maybe).

Never mind that, though; I'm goddamned happy the Astros are going to the World Series, for three special reasons: a) the Astros have never been to the World Series; 2)One of my best friends and one of the most stand-up guys I know is a huge Astros fan; and III)The only Cardinals fan I know, in fact the only person from St. Louis I know, is a serious asshole. It's irrational, I know, but isn't all of sports fandom irrational anyway?

So now the Fall Classic is upon us, and some of it will take place in my current city of residence, and it's a new thing for me because I'll really be happy for either team to win: The White Sox because I live in Chicago for the moment, and the Astros because my friend loves them and because they beat the Cardinals who are beloved of a very (un)special asshole.

Still, I just have to say: Go Braves. Wait 'til next year. (Yeah right.)


Blogger Reid said...

I thought you were talking about me until you said "stand-up guy". Who else do you know who's an Astros fan?

Funny how you can only root against a team for so long when a good friend of yours likes them. This is the reason I like the Braves. Tried to hate 'em, but it didn't take. Thanks you to you.

Obviously, I'm dying for the Astros to win, but if they're going to be beaten by anyone, I can take it from the White Sox. I would have hated even the thought of the Astros being beaten by the Angels.

21 October 2005 at 09:18:00 GMT-4


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