Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

26 August 2005

do you think they will let me live in montana?

I've got pictures, lots of 'em, but I have to nail down some time to figure out either Ofoto or Flicker so's I can post 'em. But I'll go ahead and say the trip was just beautiful, and don't be surprised if you find me settled in Montana ten years from now.

Right now I've got tears all up and down me, having finally watched the finale of Six Feet Under (incidentally, the hardest thing ever to download, took me a week and seven different torrents). Wow. Skippy said the last fifteen minutes were maybe the best fifteen minutes of television ever; I think there's probably better, but this is up there for sure. Damn glad Billy didn't finish everyone off. That Alan Ball, he's got something going on, believe it.


Blogger d-lee said...

If Skippy said that the last fifteen minutes of the series finale of SFU were the best 15 minutes of television ever, he must have never watched a single episode of "Freaks and Geeks".
I'll take any 15 minute span from any episode of F&G and hold it much higher than that.

27 August 2005 at 00:19:00 GMT-4

Blogger doug said...

daaaammmmnnn, them's fightin' words. I've actually never seen Freaks and Geeks, so I don't know what the best 15 minutes of TeeVee is, but that last episode of SFU still has me thinking on I think it was pretty damn good.

Did anyone see ROME? It was OK, I thought, but I'm intrigued enough to keep watching.

29 August 2005 at 11:15:00 GMT-4

Blogger doug said...

Oh yeah, and if you move to Montana, I'll come visit you (if you live in the purty part and not on the plains) - 'cus it rocks.

29 August 2005 at 11:16:00 GMT-4

Blogger d-lee said...

Are you crazy? They'll lynch you. There are no black people in Montana. You're lucky they didn't kill you when you were passing through.

29 August 2005 at 18:03:00 GMT-4


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