Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

09 January 2007

a crowd of people turned away

By now, surely, you've heard today's news, the biggest news in popular communications trends in a long, long time, but I just wanted to throw my two cents in.

First of all, in a perfect world the Tribune wouldn't have run the story without hearing what Cusack had to say first. But it's not a perfect world, and the Tribune Co. needs to sell newspapers just like any other honest, hard-working American, so I can't really fault them for that. But let me just say this: I don't buy it. Try to tell me that John Cusack and not Jeremy Piven is the bad guy here, or in any situation, and I'll tell you to get your head examined. Didn't you see Say Anything?! Of course you saw it, what am I even asking. My point is this, look at that scene in the parking lot of the Gas'n'Sip. Who's the asshole in that scene? Cusack? I think not. If there's anyone going to drive a friendship into the ground or even not even be a real friend in the first place, it's got to be Piven, or that Joe guy that Lily Taylor wrote all those songs for.

Anyways, I think we all need to just calm down and wait until the facts are clear and the honorable Mr. Cusack has had the chance to clear his name. Say you heard it here first or not, I'm telling you, the guy's all heart.


Blogger Reid said...

I can't believe that John Cusack is only 40 years old! Come on...he's got to be older than that.

9 January 2007 at 23:09:00 GMT-5

Blogger Fearless Leader said...

Cusack hasn't been Cusack since he sold a measurable piece of his soul to co-star in America's Sweethearts and Serendipity.

10 January 2007 at 09:51:00 GMT-5


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