Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

13 February 2008

so the sign says "ok"

Well it seems that my activity in these environs has been, at the least, lacking. Here's the briefest of updates:

Xtian asks who's the bigger loser, Hillary Clinton or Jeff Tweedy (nominated for a Grammy but didn't win). I have to give this one to Hillary: at least Jeff Tweedy was nominated!

But seriously folks. I really, really hope Obama's momentum continues. I'm done with the Clintons. Both of 'em. And I was enough of a fanboy that I got up early the day Hillary's book came out so that I could pick it up on my way to work.

But more than that, it Hillary wins the nomination, I'm done with my party. I don't dislike Hillary as a person. In fact, it's hard to find anyone involved in this current contest that I really dislike as a person; I even think Gomer Pyle Mike Huckabee, though an idiot, must be an okay guy to be in a room with, same as anybody else whose name doesn't end in Rove, Cheney, Rumsfeld, or George W. Bush. But if my peers in the Democratic party can't figure out that (a) nobody unites the fractured Republican party like Hillary Clinton and (2) it's time to get past the divisiveness of race- and gender-based politics, then I'm willing to vote for McCain just to punish the Dems. But so far there's reason to be optimistic...

Writers strike!
Woo-hoo! Writers are back!

Woo-hoo! Studios and networks figured out that the producers (and not just the distributors) of content should get paid for their work!

Woo-hoo! Maybe Friday Night Lights will come back (oh please oh please oh please)! Some people might feel sorry for me for not being a football fan and therefore not being able to enjoy the latest Big Game. And to you I say: it's not that I dislike the game itself, it's just that I can find nothing compelling about the NFL's version of 'sport'. But if the Dillon Panthers are on the field, I'm glued to the tube/lcd/plasma/ether.

Something else!
I'll be starting a new, more focused blog soon. It won't mean the demise of this one, it's just an idea that's been getting too big in my head to ignore. So it's a second blog along the lines of, like, a hockey blog or a tech blog (that wasn't given nearly enough time to find its audience, if you ask me) that might be started by any random blogging chump, but it won't deal with either of those subjects. I'd tell you what it will deal with, but I haven't come up with a good name for it yet. In the meantime, feel free to speculate wildly in the comments.

Song for today!
I think I may have posted this one before. I could do a simple search and find out, but instead I'll just risk repeating myself.
Interpol - Rest My Chemistry


Blogger Reid said...

Score! Called out twice in a single post!

When I say that "I feel sorry for people who don't like football", it's not actual pity. I actually think that football fandom is pretty much a waste of valuable life time, like all sports fandom. I only say overly-large statements like that when there's a great game and I have a really good time and I think of the surprisingly large amount of people who love baseball but resist football and I can't help wish that it wasn't the case. Not because I pity but because (seriously) I care. See the distinction?

The tech blog/audience thing came out wrong. The tech blog lives on; just in a different format. I will essplain soon.

Can't wait to read this other blog.

(Buy a domain.)

13 February 2008 at 05:44:00 GMT-5

Blogger Clark Meyer said...

Are you sure about wanting Obama as President?

13 February 2008 at 08:52:00 GMT-5

Blogger doug said...

Obama/Smash '08!! I really hope FNL comes back - but I made my peace with it not coming back at the end of last season, so this season is like a gift. But I want more. This season started off not as great as last, but it's really hit it's stride as of late.

As for Hillary, if this thing goes to Convention, and Obama has won more states and more of the popular vote than Clinton, and then the super-delegates decide to make Hillary the nominee, then I think you won't have to worry about giving up on your party - because they'll have given up on us first. But it's looking good so far...

Can't wait to hear about your new new thing!

13 February 2008 at 09:10:00 GMT-5

Blogger Hans said...

Reid: I just meant to say that I thought your tech blog was a great idea and well-written and deserved more of a chance. But maybe you're giving it one; I eagerly await your essplanation.

Also please to be essplaining: Google Apps. I already use them extensively; Immediate Theatre Project conducts much of its business through Google Docs and Calendar, and we've convinced North Carolina Stage Company to do the same. But I follow your link and I that's what I see, not anything about buying domains or hosting blogs. So, ?

Clark: Excellent point, but neither Kevin Kline, Michael Douglas, nor Martin Sheen has officially declared their candidacy, and besides, huge asteroids might bring just the kind of change we're looking for.

Doug: Yeah, the beginning of season 2 was pretty awful, and if it had stayed that bad I would've been happy for the FNL writers to stay on strike forever. But it got great again, and the writers even seemed to apologize for their missteps around the fifth episode or so. Here's what I don't understand: given the show's quality and this country's love of football, why is FNL not one of the most popular shows on television? I can understand why something like Battlestar Galactica doesn't gain a huge audience, but if a soap opera about football can win even me over...

13 February 2008 at 09:51:00 GMT-5

Blogger Reid said...

I know what you were saying about the Tech blog. Katie and Christian said the same thing. I just realized that, in segregating the tech stuff to it's own place, it was too easily avoided by a lot of the people that it could have helped. So I realized it needed to be part of the wider blog, but to also have it's own home and identity. That'll be a challenge. But in the meantime, I'll definitely be writing about that same sort of stuff.

In fact, I just wrote a post that is part of the Tech blog as well as answering your question about your own domain.

13 February 2008 at 11:47:00 GMT-5


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