Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

02 January 2008

i'll be right here for you my dear

I don't so much do the whole new years resolution thing, mostly because it always ends in disappointment. But I do have a kernel of an inkling of an idea of a plan for this blog, and that is: songs, songs, and more songs. I'm gonna post a lot of songs, is what. Maybe not every day, but at least every other day, or every few days, or once a month or something like that. Sometimes I'll post a song without writing an actual post, sometimes I'll attach a song to a post that has nothing to do with whatever I've written, and sometimes the attached song will contain the lyric inspiration for the post title (which I usually try to make a little bit relevant). But anyway, songs, comin' atcha.

Today's song posting is inspired by this blog I found by looking up friends' friends on I think the Internets are real neat.

The first time I heard this song, I was sitting in my kitchen in Staten Island. In the other room Skippy was playing this record by this Chicago fella I'd never heard before. The whole record was really strong, but after this song I had to get up, walk into the next room, and press the 'back' button on the CD player. I didn't say anything to Skippy, just pressed the button, to which he replied, "Right?"

Kevin Tihista - You Will Be Back Someday

p.s. Welcome new reader and old friend amycurl.


Blogger Reid said...

At the risk of sounding like an old codger in a rocking chair, that song sure does bring back some memories. Well, mostly hazy memories of falling asleep drunk on your and Skippy's kitchen floor.

2 January 2008 at 14:56:00 GMT-5


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