Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

10 November 2004

colorless, odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid...

What a stroke of luck! If you have one of GM's six hydrogen-powered minivans in DC, you can now fuel your vehicle! It's about time, actually - there has been a small fleet of hydrogen-fueled BMW's in Munich for five years now (theirs are even cooler, though: first of all, they're BMW's, and second, the gas station is so automated that the driver never leaves the car while the robotic hydrogen pump does all the work). So it's exciting to see something happenning in this country, and it's simultaneously surprising and encouraging that this project is being pushed by an oil company and a big-3 automaker. But is it all just a PR stunt? Is it going to get Shell and GM good press for a while and then die a quiet death when people have forgotten about it? The news item declaring the end of the experiment three years from now is all too easy to envision. There are huge environmental problems with hydrogen production, too, that would have to be worked out before we could all start driving steam-spitting cars. They talk about mass consumption beginning sometime between 2015 and 2025. If we had a bold leader with a (necessary) bold environmental vision who wanted to give this thing a kick-start, then maybe. But as we obviously don't, I'll believe it when I see it.


Blogger doug said...

Cool - now just stay in DC, and you'll be fine! I think the Hydrogen thing is kinda cool - I saw this program on hippy TV (PBS) about alternative fuels, and they had a big thing about how Iceland has an upstart Hydrogen economy - but they get their Hydrogen from a big local source: volcanoes (geothermal) - so, works great for them - and they have a small population which helps. But for us, Hydrogen has to come from processing oil (from what I understand) - so maybe that explains the excitment by the oil companies? For the big-3 - they know there is big bucks to be made in this (people are gonna be driving cars regardless) - and hey, if that all drives this, then I say, I'm all for it - but I am concerned about the oil thing - 'cus that shit ain't permanent yo. I'm a geographer - I should know.

What I'd like to see is more development of hybrids - since that is attainable now - along with development of other stuff - like bio-deisel (french fries)! And get the fuel efficiency way up for vehicles to buy time (for oil) and reduce emissions now and then get really into this hydrogen business for a long-term solution. Or something like that. I have no say though - 'cus I'm just a blue-state sympathizing geographer.

10 November 2004 at 17:24:00 GMT-5


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