Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

29 July 2004

And the award for most spirited goes to...

I've been watching the convention. Have you been watching the convention? I seen it on the television set in my living room. And I've noticed that every time a new speaker takes the stage, every single person in the arena (yes, every single person, I counted) holds up a new matching sign. Sometimes there's more than one sign per speech! I have a slight complaint about this: if everyone has the same sign, and all signs are held up at the same time (as if - gasp - on cue!), and some signs are even emblazoned with anthems from the very speeches they support, then the meaning conveyed by these signs gets just a little diluted, doesn't it? I know it's all theatre, and I know it's TV pictures that the producers are going for. But if it's all so hollow, I'm less likely to care, and I would guess that other people feel the same way.

But that's neither here nor there. It's to be expected, and I can accept it, albeit grudgingly. No, what I really want to know is: where the hell do they keep all those things? They seem to come out of nowhere, and some of them are quite ungainly. Are there lackeys running around handing them out? If so, how do the TV cameras avoid showing them? Or are the signs all stashed below each seat? If so, where do people put their legs? Maybe Democrat scientists have perfected the replicator made famous by Jean-Luc and company on Star Trek: "Computer. Poster. John Edwards. Red and white." And then, beep-bloop, and everyone has the same sign. Or maybe that's not what happens at all. It's a mystery, and you can just rock me to sleep tonight, thank you very much.


Blogger doug said...

I've wondered the same thing - 'cus that is a lot of signs - I've also seen cases where some people hold up different signs while everyone else is holding up the "sign of the moment" - do you think those people feel embarrassed? That people with the "sign of the moment" chastize those without? I would. "Dude, where's your sign?! That's NOT the right sign, we're supposed to be holding up the Edwards Posts NOT the Kerry/Edwards placards - GOD, YOU'RE TOTALLY RUINING THE WHOLE THING!"

29 July 2004 at 08:52:00 GMT-4

Blogger Hans said...


29 July 2004 at 11:17:00 GMT-4

Blogger doug said...

Hey, another comment/thought I had about the convention that I think you, especially, would appreciate - I just recently saw 8-Mile again, and I was thinking that the Dems could actually learn alot from that movie - especially the end showdown part. See, the Dems are going first, so they should just point out all the crap that the Republicans are sure to sling at them after/during the convention - kind of like Eminem does in the movie "You call us liberal? Yeah, we're liberal AND we live in a trailer with our moms - what you gonna say about THAT bitch?!" Anyway, I'm sure someone else could be much more clever with this than I. But I've been trying to see where the Dems have sorta done this type of thing during the convention so far, and I think Obama's speech sorta nailed it - how can people argue with that blue state / red state stuff? Anyway, just a dumb thought...thanks for listening.

29 July 2004 at 12:12:00 GMT-4


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