Only a numbskull thinks he knows things about things he knows nothing about.

13 June 2007

while we lost track of time in dreams of grandeur

Okay, here's where I go a big rubbery one.

Damn if this ain't some effective (and affective) television.

It occurs to me that something this touching would be incredibly hard to recreate in a scripted moment, especially since the kind of person inclined to try is likely the type to heavy-hand his/her own grocery lists and probably wouldn't be able to resist turning this kind of thing into full-blown Mr. Holland's Opus-level schmaltz. I'm not a fan of reality TV in general, but in this case, because it's real, something magical is able to happen unadulterated. I'm distrustful of the editing, but I still love watching Simon's reactions, genuine or not, first after the music starts, and then after Paul starts singing.

To be sure, the Aerosmith is an unnecessary buzzkill, but the clip still gives me chills every time I watch it.


Blogger prs said...

thanks for posting that, hans. cause i miss you babe, and I DON'T WANNA MISS A THING...

see how that works? this comment started out nice, but then got really emotional at the end. you probably had to choke back tears. honestly, i had a hard time typing it, too.

(on a slightly more on-topic note, i've never seen simon smile like that before. pretty cool, actually.)

14 June 2007 at 11:58:00 GMT-4


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